Our Method: The Learnabout

A learnabout is a custom combination of learning methodologies, which creates the unique experience of our training.

A learnabout is a facilitated journey, that lets you explore yourself and your relation to your personal and professional environment. Similar to the aboriginal walkabout, a learnabout gives you the space and opportunity to learn, reflect on, and use your strengths.

In contrast to the walkabout, however, a learnabout is structured.  You are given tools to ease the journey and you’re not alone: a whole community of learners travels with you on the same trek. Together, you’re moving towards a better knowledge of yourself and your priorities in life. The goal is your personal growth and a qualitative change in how you perceive your career options.

Walk the “Learnabout”

Regardless of whether you choose one or a combination of modules, a lecture, a webinar, or a workshop, each learnabout consists of these 5 key components:

  1. Reflection: We establish the starting point for the learning experience by guiding you through a range of self-assessment activities.
  1. New knowledge: We deliver up-to-date information on a range of topics (see our products).
  1. Peer-to-peer learning: We facilitate knowledge exchange among the participants.
  1. Hands-on/minds-on practicals: We provide tools for practicing the new content in a safe environment.
  1. Perspectives: We give you options for further learning and guidance.

We apply the learnabout method for technical skills acquisition (e.g. project management) as well as soft skills training (e.g. intrinsic motivation). Please visit our products page to find out more about our courses.