Isn’t it fascinating to live in another country and/or have a partner from abroad? It definitely comes with questioning things that otherwise would have been seen as given. And how do the dynamics change, when children enter the game?
In this project, we invite international families to share their stories. We ask them about their daily lives: What does it look like? What do they experience when they interact with the surrounding society, what values and customs do they live by, and what is their sense of belonging? And last but not least: How do they get along with their in-laws?!
One World One Love Booklet
International Families Podcasts
Luiza and Selva interviewed members of six international families.
Lina talks about her British-Swedish family.
Ruth talks about her Spanish-German family.
Brothers Daniel and Marco talk about their Danish-Brazilian family.
Nadja talks about their Hungarian-Cuban family.
Manu and Art talk about their Latvian-Angolan family.
Boris Goldammer
Ursel Biester
Dr. Luiza Bengtsson
Selva Sol
Karin Vanagand
Also check out the project’s official page.
Story of This Project
Living in an international family can be a challenge, particularly once children are there. Language, culture, a sense of belonging – how are these transmitted in a family with a mix of heritages?
With the international family project, we want to collect and reflect upon stories from everyday life in an international family. We’d like to highlight the opportunities and challenges that come with a multicultural life, many of which we believe are common and independent of country of origin or country of residence.
We collect the stories in a booklet and a podcast. Through the interviews, we invite self-reflection and induce transformative learning in our audience. The booklet also includes a guided self-study component, to further the learning outcome.
This project was generously funded by Erasmus+ Program of the European Union.
Find more information about the program and its goals here:
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.